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If you would like to leave any message for Free Memorials For You Please use the email button at the bottom of this page. Thank You


To Free Memorials


I would like to thank you for making it possible for me to have somewhere to visit when I want to feel close to my Dad. It doesnt matter what time of the day or night it is, the site is always there for me to access. I would also like to thank you for your patience when I changed my mind three times over the background music :). I was never made to feel a nuisance... in fact it shows that the site is run by people who care about others and their feelings.

Thank you for making this possible



To Free Memorials


I am writing this letter to say how much I like the memorial site that was set up on behalf of my late father...I think it is a great idea that family and friends can write or leave comments about my father and can view photos and so forth of all the memories that we shared whilst he was alive...I would recommend this site to anyone that as lost a loved one and wants their memory to go on...And this was done for us for Free

Tracy Hulme..


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